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Jingdong and shun joint promotion on LED bulbs - (AddTime - 2013-04-09)

Recently, shun on electric business platform jingdong with 200W led Flood light lighting manufacturers jointly issued the "energy-saving light Chinese families plan". At the same time, jingdong said, during the period of the plan, the price subsidy promotion on 200W led Flood light light.

Shun lighting on CEO Sun Jianning said at present, our country 200W led Flood light products is the cost is higher, the universalization of the main factors for cognition. Shun lighting on jingdong supply chain service system optimization product supply, saves the cost of the intermediate links, and online shopping can achieve low cost Angle of the whole product display, more conducive to energy conservation product popularity.

We have learned, at present our country 200W led Flood light enterprise 70% of channels focused on engineering and OEM (OEM production) export, to the end consumer channel is still at the f200W led floodlightgling stage. There is overcapacity situation of 200W led Flood light industry in China. Industry experts believe that dissolve the 200W led Flood light industry excess capacity, on the one hand need to national policy guidance, on the other hand 200W led Flood light companies need to expand the domestic consumer market of the family.